As the delivery arm of Ilfracombe Town Council, the One Ilfracombe team often find themselves wearing multiple hats to deliver projects aimed at providing better health, economic prosperity and a higher quality living environment for the people of Ilfracombe.

The team consists of a Project Manager and a Project Coordinator who alongside overseeing and planning One Ilfracombe projects, providing briefings to Ilfracombe Town Council, also provide commissioned managerial, financial, digital and support to the other “Ones” across the region through the One Northern Devon organisation.

The One Ilfracombe Community Developer aims to address the gaps identified through the work of the project team and to develop those ideas that come from within the community. The Community Developer is part of the Social Prescribing and Community Development team working with the local PCN (Combe Coastal Practice) to provide mapped assets for use by GPs and social prescribers.

The Community Connector plays a key role in the Primary Care Network working with the Combe Coastal Practice and other social prescribers across the region. The Community Connector can signpost to a vast number of groups and organisations as identified by the Community Developer. For more details and to contact the One Ilfracombe Community Connector click here.