In March 2014, the One Ilfracombe Town Team was launched with the aim of creating a safer, cleaner and greener town that local people can be proud of.
The Town Team was originally made up of around 40 members of public services who already worked in Ilfracombe but then joined forces to improve the service they offer. The team included members of the Police, Fire, Ilfracombe Town Council, South West Ambulance Service, North Devon Council, the Harbour Master, Ilfracombe Museum and the Tourist Information Centre.
With local service cutbacks, a drastic drop off in volunteers and with the aftermath of a pandemic to deal with, the Town Team has struggled.
2022 has seen the resurgence of the Town Team and this continues as more of the public services are again engaged within the town with a common focus to best address the topics that are being voiced directly by the local community.
The aim remains the same where the role of the Town Team is to rectify identified issues that are within the remit of the individuals present. The primary focus being on self-help, local knowledge and partnership working that results in quick wins and fixes to get the job done. Anything requiring strategic or further approval will be passes onto the relevant group, board or Council for action.
With improved relations and regular attendance from our partners the self help ethos continues to provide quick responses to issues that matter locally ranging from managing overgrown vegetation to replacing litter bins and reporting anti-social behaviour.